Quiz #12 Who’s Who in the Old Testament Quiz #2

1) Who could interpret King Nebuchadnezzar's dream and later was delivered by God from a den of lions?
a) Isaac
b) Daniel
c) David
d) Jacob

2) Who received the ability to interpret visions and dreams because he refused to eat the king's rich food?
a) Daniel
b) Shadrach
c) Meshach
d) Abed-nego

3) Who killed the giant Philistine, Goliath, and saved Israel from captivity?
a) Moses
b) Nathan
c) David
d) Jeroboam

4) Which Jew married the king of Persia and bravely convinced him to reverse the decree calling for the destruction of her people?
a) Esther
b) Rebekah
c) Rachel
d) Sarai

5) Who lost his riches, health, friends, and family, but remained faithful to God in his afflictions?
a) Job
b) Zedekiah
a) Nehemiah
b) Ezra

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