Quiz #16 Bible Quiz #1 on Luke

1) Which two books of the New Testament did Luke write?
a) Colossians and Galatians
b) Galatians and The Acts
c) Luke and Colossians
d) Luke and The Acts

2) What was Luke's occupation?
a) soldier
b) physician
c) fisherman
d) tax collector

3) Which famous missionary did Luke travel and teach with?
a) Peter
b) James
c) John
d) Paul

4) Which of these narratives was recorded only by Luke?
a) visit of Gabriel to Mary (The Annunciation)
b) the turning of water to wine
c) raising Lazarus from the dead
d) visit of the wise men

5) Which of these narratives was recorded only by Luke?
a) Jesus' ascension
b) visit of Nicodemus
c) the woman at the well
d) visit of the shepherds to baby Jesus

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