Quiz #17 Bible Quiz #2 on Luke

1) Which of these narratives was recorded only by Luke?
a) Jesus washing the feet of His Apostles
b) Jesus cleansing the temple
c) Jesus teaching in the temple as a 12-year old
d) Jesus' sermon on the mount

2) Which of these narratives was recorded only by Luke?
a) Jesus being nailed to the cross
b) Jesus being spit upon
c) Jesus being fed vinegar
d) Jesus sweating blood

3) Which of these narratives was recorded only by Luke?
a) Jesus' discussion with the thief on the cross
b) Jesus' baptism
c) the woman washing Jesus' feet with her hair
d) Jesus forgiving the women taken in adultery

4) Which of these narratives was recorded only by Luke?
a) Jesus casting out devils
b) Jesus eating fish and honey following His Resurrection
c) Jesus healing the woman with the issue of blood
d) Jesus giving sight to the blind man

5) Jesus appointing and sending forth the Seventy
a) Jesus appointing and sending forth the Seventy
b) Jesus raising the daughter of Jairus
a) Jesus being a carpenter
b) Jesus' discussion with Zacchaeus

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