Quiz #2 Water Baptism

1) Who Baptized Jesus? (Matthew 3:13-16)
a) Disciples
b) Jesus
c) Pharisees
d) John the Baptist

2) What descended upon Jesus after He was baptized? (Matthew 3:16)
a) The Holy Spirit
b) Nothing
c) Dove
d) Heaven

3) Name (2) things that occur when you are water baptized (Romans 6:3-5)
a) Good exercise
b) crucified with Him, buried in death with Him, Resurrected into new life with Him
c) your clothes are cleaned
d) your flesh is cleaned

4) What do you need to do to have a new life in Christ (Born again)? (Acts 2:38)
a) Repent, ABCs (Accept, Believe, Confess), Water Baptized, and Baptism of the Holy Spirit
b) dress nice
c) sing well
d) nothing is required of you.

5) Name at least (2) things buried in the grave through water baptism (Colossians 2:11-13)
a) money, time
b) your belongings, your thoughts
b) your sins, death

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