Quiz #23 Plants in the Bible #2

1) What happened when Moses cast a tree into the waters of Marah?
a) the water dissolved the tree completely
b) the tree caught fire
c) the waters were made sweet
d) the children of Israel were able to use the tree as a bridge

2) Fill in the blank: Paul compared the Gentiles to wild branches grafted into a good and healthy ___________ tree.
a) orange
b) walnut
c) olive
d) date

3) Fill in the blank: Jesus compared the kingdom of heaven to a ___________ seed, which would grow from the tiniest seed into a huge tree.
a) mustard
b) pomegranate
c) mallow
d) mint

4) Fill in the blank: In a parable, Christ compared the separation of the righteous from the wicked to the harvesting of _________ from the tares.
a) olives
b) grapes
c) wheat
d) corn

5) Fill in the blank: The Pharisees ridiculed Christ because His disciples plucked and ate _________ on the Sabbath.
a) oranges
b) plums
a) corn
b) figs

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