1868 OR 1869 Mr. Joseph Davidson organized a Sunday School.

1872 or 1873 the Citizens of this vicinity called a meeting and organized a Union Prayer Meeting which was carried on in harmony for several years.  During this time a Union Bible School was organized. By the Grace of God these movements grew and prospered until 1878.  After due consideration it was decided that it would be better for the advancement of the cause of our Savior Jesus Christ to organize a congregation of Christians.  A date was sent and Evangelist Brother George VanPelt was sent for.  He met with the congregation on the Eleventh Day of November 1878 in the old school house that stood just across the way, for the purpose of organizing.  The subject of a name for the Organization was brought up and a motion was made that the name be the “Church of Christ.”  The motion was seconded and carried.  Also as to the name by which as a local congregation we should be known; a Motion was made that we be known by the name of Rockville Congregation of the Church of Christ.  Motion carried.

In the year 1893

Rockville Congregation with the assistance of many good citizens not belonging to the Church, have erected this House in which we now worship and furnished it.  We can hand it over for dedication, completely free of debt, fully insured and with all obligations cancelled.
J.H. Gilmore, Elder

During the years, the Rockville Congregation became known as the Bradbury Church of Christ.  Many dedicated members were willing to assume the responsivities of leadership so that our local congregation might remain strong in His service.  In the early 1900’s, some of the men who served on the local Board as leaders were: Sherd Gilmore, Vint King, Otho Smith, Wilbur Pierce and many others.

In the year 1965

The Church building and property were purchased by the State of Ohio Highway Division, for the purpose of relocating State Route 7 and connecting roads.  The members and the Board, with the assistance of others, repurchased the Church building with the idea of moving it to another location.

Through the sacrifice of Brother and Mrs. Joseph Bailey, from whom a very desirable site was obtained not far from the old location, plans developed toward the day of moving.

On July 5, 1965, the bell was removed from the building.  On Tuesday, July 20, 1965, the building was moved by means of wheels to the new and present location.

On Sunday, July 18, 1965, services were held at the old location.  The following Sunday, July 25, 1965, by the grace of God, the effort of many brethren, and the willingness of the members to do so, services were held at the new location with Brother Arthur Marcum, Pastor.

A full basement was placed under the building above known flood stages, a new room containing our baptistery was added and a new, very modern parsonage was built and paid for by the many member and friends of our community and Church over the next several years.  Some who contributed much hard work and willingness were: Mac Stewart, Wilbur Rowley, Wilbur Rowley, Jr., George Nash, and member of the Board, which included: Earl Werner, William King, Ernest VanInwagen, Robert King, Dale Barnhart, Glenn Evans, Jerry Davis, John Johnson, John Michael, Jerry VanInwagen, and Pastor Ted Cadwallader.
1872 or 1873 the Citizens of this vicinity, being largely composed of believers in the Religion of Jesus Christ, although belonging to different Denominations to wit: Disciples, Freewill Baptist and a few of other Denominations, we called a meeting and organized a Union Prayer Meeting which was carried on in harmony for several years.  During this time Brother Hugg and Brother Smith of the Free Baptist Church of Middleport came out with us and organized a Union Bible School. By the Grace of God these movements grew and prospered until 1878.  After due consideration we decided that it would be better for the advancement of the cause of our Savior Jesus Christ to organize a congregation of Christians.  We decided upon a date and sent for Evangelist Brother George VanPelt.  He met with us on the Eleventh Day of November 1878 in the old school house that stood just across the way, for the purpose of organizing.  At 6 O’clock P.M. meeting called to order by Bro. Jos. H. Gilmore and the objectof the meeting stated.  Bro. VanPelt was duly called to the chair, after a few appropriate remarks the names of 32 members enrolled, to-wit.  Bro. Frederick Hoppes and Bro. Richard Horden were unanimously elected as Elders and Bro. Jos. H. Gilmore, Bro. Daniel Russell and Bro. Morton Bailey were unanimously elected as Deacons of the congregation.  The subject of a name for the Organization being brought up a motion by Bro. Gilmore that the name be the “Church of Christ.”  Seconded and carried.  Also the name by which as a local congregation we should be known.  Motion by Bro. Hordon that we be known by the name of Rockville Congregation of the Church of Christ.  Motion carried.  After a few remarks by Bro. VanPelt, we adjourned for Preaching at 7 P.M.

George VanPelt – Chairman and Evangelist

The History of this congregation from its organization up to the present time I presume has been carried on in about the same way of other congregations.  There have been times when we were upon the top of the Mount beholding the Glory of the Lord.  And again down in the Valley of humiliation, fighting with the hosts of Satan.  But like the Church at Philadelphia, the Lord set before us an open door and no man has been able to shut it.  Many noble and faithful souls, our friends and loved ones have gone up from Rockville Congregation in the triumphs of a living Faith and are now enjoying the reward of the Faithful in the Paradise of God.  And by the Grace of God, under the leadership of Bro. Olney we are enjoying a good degree of Spiritual prosperity today and may Rockville Congregation stand as a beacon light to guide many souls unto the light of Eternal Day, for there will be no night there.  Brothers and Sisters in Christ that are here today let me exhort you to watch, be sober, be Vigilant, “Stand fast in the Faith,” quit you like men, be strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might.  Put on the whole armor of God, fight the Good Fight of Faith, lay hold on Eternal Life.  And now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and God even our Father which hath loved us and hath given us Everlasting Consolation and good Hope through Grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work.  Amen.
Joseph H. Gilmore
Martha Gilmore
Richard Horden, Sr.
Caroline Horden
Frederick Hoppes
Daniel Russell 
Catherine Russell
Morton Bailey
Alma  Bailey
John Horden
Polly Horden
Cyrus Paulk
Cassie Paulk
William Russell
Phoebe Russell
Arthur Paulk
Arlie Paulk
John Russell
Lucinda Russell
Annie Hysell
Ella Hoppes
Nancy Chaffin
Elizabeth Dodson
Hedgemont Dodson
Albert Hysell
Rosana Hysell
George Russell
Elizabeth Russell
William Chaffin
E.M. Chaffin
Alonzo Hoppes
Rhoda Hoppes
Names of the Organizers in 1878
In July of 1965 the Ohio department of highways was constructing the Rt 7 bypass around Middleport/Pomeroy. The Bradbury Church of Christ was on the new road right of way and it was decided that the church would be moved to a new location. Below are a few pictures of the church move. Click on any image for a larger view.
Church History Page